Too much... the magic bus!
This was another project I was just beginning
This was another project I was just beginning
to work on when my cousin presented
this blog idea to me.
I think it'll work here as well.
Lets face it
an entertaining read is just that...
And I'm pretty certain that some of these entries
this blog idea to me.
I think it'll work here as well.
Lets face it
an entertaining read is just that...
And I'm pretty certain that some of these entries
will cause a chuckle or two.
Well at least one chuckle.
Well at least one chuckle.
This entry is but an introduction to the idea.
I hope you guys enjoy it!
This entry is but an introduction to the idea.
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Unfortunately I got sidetracked
and never really made it beyond the
Introduction and Part 1.
But you're still gonna laugh!!
As always... your pal tommy
As always... your pal tommy
You're Driving Me Crazy...
The Bus Driver Diaries
just never really know
where you're going to end up in life do you?
Like with me,
I went from the U.S. Navy
then right into the technology field.
Where I was employed at a fantastic company
for 16 years.
And then... somehow...
I became tommy the bus driver!
Not as lovable as Ralph Kramden mind you,
but then again who of us could ever be
as lovable as that, right?
Dealing with the daily commuters
and general public at
large day in and day out
5 days a week.
I've had my share of minor mishaps.
Like closing the doors on
people and such.
But that's always come about
because of their own
lack of patience
and flat-out stupidity really.
Good grief.
Good grief.
always try to squeeze their way
in through the closing doors
at the very last moment.
Now I ask you,
at the very last moment.
Now I ask you,
is that the definition of
& stupidity or what?
never forget the desperate mumblings
emanating from the lopsided lips
of my first would-be a-hole rider.
It was so funny!!
His face was being smooshed
within the rubber-edged closing doors of my bus.
I opened the doors.
after I berated
for trying to squeeze in
at the last second of course.
You just had to see his face
between the doors
and then to hear him say...
“Caaan u peez oben da ooor naw?”
What a fucking douche he was.
“Caaan u peez oben da ooor naw?”
What a fucking douche he was.
also seen a handful of Johnny-come-lately's
trip and fall while
desperately running
to flag me down. I do feel bad for them mind you,
if only for a second.
But c'mon,
if only for a second.
But c'mon,
you know as well as I do
watching someone fly head-over-heels
is always a hilarious thing to
I mean coffee, briefcases, papers, shoes,
everything goes
flying through the air
at one point or another.
And usually the only thing that ever gets hurt
And usually the only thing that ever gets hurt
as a result is their slightly bruised ego.
So it's guilt free laughter
all the way my friends. Guilt free!
to this one.
I had to actually stop the bus
I had to actually stop the bus
in the middle of the
fuckin' Lincoln Tunnel
to break up a fist fight between two women.
Can you believe that shit!?
My very first thought
Can you believe that shit!?
My very first thought
when the commotion
finally caught my attention
was that someone was trying to
detonate a
bomb or something
(This was less than 6 months post 9/11.
(This was less than 6 months post 9/11.
And everyone was still on edge
while riding through
those fuckin' tunnels)
So I was literally ready to snap a neck
So I was literally ready to snap a neck
and kill someone if need be
I can tell
you that much.
But no,
But no,
it wasn't a terrorist at all trying to
annihilate us.
It was just two assholes
fighting over how far the
seat-back was reclined. Unbelievable right!?
once I realized
that they were simply fighting
over this bullshit and
not trying to kill us all
I just fuckin' lost it.
Remember now,
a second ago
I was actually contemplating
the quickest way to take a
in order to protect us all.
And as a result of that temporary transformation
in order to protect us all.
And as a result of that temporary transformation
into John Rambo,
I couldn't come down
from that
powerful adrenalin rush fast enough
and I began cursing my head off
at the them both.
“F” bombs quickly overtook
“F” bombs quickly overtook
the thickening
airspace of the coach.
Oh man it was too funny.
Oh man it was too funny.
it's funny now,
years later from in front
of this stupid computer
screen as I type away.
But back then... not so much!
I ordered one of them to go sit in the rear
But back then... not so much!
I ordered one of them to go sit in the rear
of the bus and then yelled at the other
to shut the fuck up
and sit where she was.
And these were grown
women mind you.
From a well-to-do neighborhood.
Fuck me dude!
A handful of silly things such as that
A handful of silly things such as that
have happened over the years.
Mostly just inadvertent verbal assaults
heaved upon
the unsuspected riders really.
(Love that line, dont'choo!?)
Like this one time
the unsuspected riders really.
(Love that line, dont'choo!?)
Like this one time
when I was pulling into a bus stop.
I looked up into the mirror
and noticed a woman
who was awkwardly
making her way
down the center isle of the bus
preparing to disembark.
She was Asian.
So what's the big deal about that you ask?
Well under normal circumstances
preparing to disembark.
She was Asian.
So what's the big deal about that you ask?
Well under normal circumstances
it wouldn't be an issue at all.
since we're talkin' about Tommy Mondello,
it suddenly became
Ugh... listen to this disaster.
Ugh... listen to this disaster.
Sooo good lololol
Now I have to preface this first
Now I have to preface this first
by saying that I hadn't made any
about what I said and who she was...
the fucking words were already outta my mouth.
(I fuckin' swear to whomever it is that you pray to
(I fuckin' swear to whomever it is that you pray to
I didn't make the connection! LoL)
Thus causing an explosion of red-faced laughter
Thus causing an explosion of red-faced laughter
to erupt from the
entire front half of the coach.
as the bus was coming to a semi-rough stand still,
and sincerely called out to her...
“You're holdin' onto something right dear?
“You're holdin' onto something right dear?
We're comin' to the stop!
We don't want
you to fall and hurt yourself
now do we?!
Use that Kung-Fu grip of yours!”
ya gotta know
that in my mind
I was only thinking about one
and one thing only.
And that was of course
And that was of course
(Remember him?)
Ya know,
able to hold onto
such as a fucking bus handrail.
(Stop laughing you humps... LoL)
It had absolutely nothing to do whatsoever
(Stop laughing you humps... LoL)
It had absolutely nothing to do whatsoever
with the fact that this
chick just happened to be
of the Asian persuasion.
of the Asian persuasion.
I heard the laughter erupt immediately and then...
it hit me,
what the fuck I had said.
And who I had said it too.
I just told an Asian woman
I just told an Asian woman
to use her fucking Kung-Fu grip
to hold onto
for crying out loud.
There wasn't a GI Joe in sight dude,
not a one!
Once it all hit me,
not a one!
Once it all hit me,
within seconds
I had rivers of
laughter-driven tears
barreling down both cheeks.
As did half the
fuckin' bus.
Am I an idiot or what!?
Am I an idiot or what!?
But I was a lucky idiot though.
Because she was a very gracious,
But I was a lucky idiot though.
Because she was a very gracious,
lovely lady who was also laughing
She knew I was only looking out for her safety.
Albeit in a
gross, Archie Bunker-like kinda way,
but looking out for her best
interest nonetheless.
Some other very silly, lighthearted encounters
came about along the way.
Some other very silly, lighthearted encounters
came about along the way.
We'll read about those down the road!
Oh wait,
Oh wait,
I thought I had a dead body on
at one point.
That would have been an interesting
to say the least right.
Nothing lighthearted about that.
Nothing lighthearted about that.
was as rigged as a steel girder
and wouldn't wake for anything.
after the police and paramedic's
finally rousted him
from his overly
drug induced near death slumber
and got him to
exit the bus,
I went right on with my duties.
So, almost a great story, but not quite.
My silly lighthearted record holds fast.
Probably one of the most ridiculous things
I went right on with my duties.
So, almost a great story, but not quite.
My silly lighthearted record holds fast.
Probably one of the most ridiculous things
to ever happen to me
involving a “bus”
so to speak didn't even occur
while I was
driving one.
And I didn't even realize just how ironic
it was until
many many years after the fact.
I recently came across the written test
I had taken to acquire
my CDL
(Commercial class 2 (B) Drivers License).
June 2, 1981 was the date atop the test.
(Commercial class 2 (B) Drivers License).
June 2, 1981 was the date atop the test.
this was way before the electronic age my
When they actually handed you
a hard copy test to take
the Department of Motor Vehicles office.
Unlike today where
is done on the computer.
is done on the computer.
had gotten one question wrong
out of the twenty asked.
Not bad right?
But of course
the question I messed up on
just happened to involve a
fucking bus.
Can you believe that shit?
It was a bus question!
And I got it wrong.
I mean there were only 5 bus specific questions
Can you believe that shit?
It was a bus question!
And I got it wrong.
I mean there were only 5 bus specific questions
on the entire test and I got one of them wrong!
Too funny.
Well it took me some 24 years
Too funny.
![]() |
There it is... look at that date... 1981! Seems like a lifetime ago. I got question # 5 wrong. Nowadays everything is done on the computer, no more hard copy : ( |
Well it took me some 24 years
to finally put that CDL to use
and begin my Ralph Kramden career.
But here I am,
literally sitting in the drivers seat
and looking down at that one question I missed.
Too funny!
Ya know,
I've heard so many crazy stories over the
from the compelling,
to the down right belly-laughable
from other drivers
that I've decided to compile some of the bedlam
and the craziness right here
within the blog from time to time.
So buckle up,
So buckle up,
hold on tight,
and don't even think about pushing
“stop signal” button.
Because this 17 ton diesel bitch
“stop signal” button.
Because this 17 ton diesel bitch
is about to take off,
and it ain’t stoppin' for nobody!
But please,
But please,
please don't try any of this stuff
you're about to read with
your own vehicles,
or with any other drivers
on the road.
Yes even that asshole
on the road.
Yes even that asshole
who's been tailgating you
for the last three
Have no fear,
Have no fear,
one of us will most certainly be cutting
douche bag off for you
at any moment now.
You see,
at any moment now.
You see,
we cause more than
enough chaos
out there on the roadways as is.
So just do yourselves a
favor and put away
that middle finger.
Stop yelling your heads off
that middle finger.
Stop yelling your heads off
out that rolled down window,
and just be on your way!
Believe me when
I say,
that we have the mayhem
and chaos department
and fully staffed
out here on the roadways, thank you!
So without further ado,
lets find out why...
you're driving me crazy!
Click below to go directly to
So without further ado,
lets find out why...
you're driving me crazy!
Click below to go directly to
of the Bus Driver Diaries