Friday, June 16, 2023

Favorite Quotes... Alan Turing said this...

I absolutely love this quote
you're about to read
at the end of this post!!!

to be THAT fucking person
he is talking about!!

Who is Alan Turing you ask??
Alan Turing

Alan Turing
is pretty much the reason why
we have computers & smartphones today!!

In the very beginning,
the very early days of the computer age,
these new computing machines
were actually called "Turing Machines"
and not computers.

He was indeed one of the world's
most brilliant mathematicians!

Have you ever seen the movie
"The Imitation Game"??
The Imitation Game... starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley

It's about how Alan Turing and a group of
other brilliant minds figured out
how to break and decrypt the Nazi German codes
that were created by the Devil itself...
the Enigma machine.
The Enigma machine used by the Nazi Germans during WWII

Alan built a machine while serving at
Bletchley Park in Britain
that was able to decode every message
that devilish German box spit out
during World War II.
He named it Christopher
after a childhood friend of his.
It was also referred to as
The Turing Bombe
The original Turing machine (Bombe)
The original Turing machine (Bombe)
The Turing machine that was recreated for the movie... The Imitation Game

Experts came to the conclusion
that with the development of Alan's machine,
and the ability to break the Enigma encryption
that it shortened the war by about two years.
Imagine... all the lives that that big brain AND...
that big machine saved!

And that machine
was pretty much
the very first computer.

So awesome right!!

Alan Turing said this...

it's the people no one imagines
anything of...
who do the things
that no one can imagine!"

How powerful is that!!

In other words...
who gives a fuck
what others think of you.
Only YOU know
what you're capable of!!!

So just as this post began...
it ends with the very same words...

to be THAT fucking person!!

Alan Turing quote
Alan Turing quote
Alan Turing quote

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