Sunday, April 9, 2023

Favorite Quotes... Ralph Waldo Emerson said this...

This one...
well this one has come AND gone
many many many times
along my lifeline!!

And I'm betting it has
with most of you
out there.

At times
it is certainly easier said than done!
Especially when there is a difficult
choice before you to be made.

Many times I've taken that unpaved
risky unknown pathway...
but there were times that I
completely chickened out
and for one reason or another...
took that smooth
well preserved
safe path!

And that's what life is all about... isn't it!

Making decisions
then taking action
and most importantly
making adjustments
along the way
both major ones AND minor
to keep you on course
barreling towards your final goal... which is...

Fuck yeah!!

This is such a simple
yet amazing thought and quote!
It is a constant companion by my side
whenever I have to make a choice
be it a life-altering one or not.

Not going along with the crowd
being an individual
taking chances
some well thought out
some not
are what make you
who you are!

So cool isn't it!

writer, philosopher and poet
said this...

"Do not go where the path may lead
go instead
where there is no path
and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emerson... A postage stamp was issued in his honor in 1940. How awesome is that!
Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
Ralph Waldo Emerson quote

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